Leahurst Nurseries

Who we are
A Kiwi by birth, Lyndon started his career working with various environmental agencies in New Zealand. After moving to the UK over thirty years ago, Lyndon has become an accomplished nurseryman and landscaper, working with a number of renowned garden designers, on a wide variety of projects. Lyndon has built up Leahurst Nurseries, a wonderful, eclectic boutique nursery, in North London. Described as a ‘hidden gem’, the nursery has existed on its current site for over sixty-five years. Lyndon and his family run the nursery, offering a peaceful and relaxed environment for visitors. The nursery stocks a diverse and eclectic range of plants. What has always been recognised by customers is that Leahurst Nurseries is the providence of most of the plants - grown and sold locally in London. These plants make the nursery, as well as Lyndon’s stall at the renowned Columbia Road Flower Market, a must see for true plant enthusiasts.
What matters to us
Providers of sustainable and quality grown plants in London with a low carbon footprint offering sound horticultural advice on the individual requirements of plants held in stock. We are family run business providing a friendly and pleasant environment for our customers.
Any tasks taken on and off the nursery, both soft and hard landscaping, are undertaken to a high skill level.
What we do
We are first and foremost growers from seed, cuttings and division. Our propagation has always been a significant part of the nursery. Our collection of plant species reflects the trends in the horticultural industry and is always evolving, visitors are pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere on the nursery for it is a working nursery, not a garden centre. We hold a wide variety of tree ferns, ground ferns and are renowned for our knowledge of these and their installation.
We also provide bespoke landscaping services, examples on our website.
How we do things
Knowledge and Skill
Large propagation units
Purchased plug plants
Prick out & pot up
Produce saleable plants 9cm/2ltr
Competent staff levels both on and offsite
Good care and attention of stock